After what for many has been a year rather lacking in adventure, there is a huge need to experience something different. The Million Stars Hotels’ doors are now open and will remain so until the end of October 2021 (depending on altitude). There are 50 or so accommodation options that can be found in all Swiss language regions and in twelve tourist regions.
Discover lesser-known places in Switzerland with Million Stars Hotel
ST is ensuring nationwide prosperity with offers like Million Stars Hotel. Lesser-known municipalities such as Jenins (GR), Carona (TI), Obergesteln (VS), Hosenruck (TG), Lauerz (LU) and La Ferrière (BE) are showcased globally through this hotel project. This will result in overnight stays and added tourism value throughout Switzerland from domestic and foreign guests. Individual room projects were first enabled in 2020 by the New Regional Policy (NRP) initiative, the federal state’s support programme, and are being offered once again in 2021. All this helps ensure Switzerland has a balanced and sustainable tourism policy.
Huge variety with bubbles, tiny houses, outdoor beds, cubes, stone pine huts and hanging tents
Despite the general uncertainty caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the challenges associated with obtaining permits and financing, this offering has come together which is as diverse as Switzerland itself. Of the 50 or so hotel rooms from 2020, two thirds were included again this year, while the remaining third are entirely new to the Million Stars Hotel project. Almost 40 new accommodation proposals were submitted by tourism providers across Switzerland. The external specialist jury made up of experts from within the hotel, tourism and media industries reviewed these based on the set requirements. A clear view of the starry night sky from the bed was essential. Other criteria included originality, diversity with respect to the locations and kinds of options, suitable alternatives in the event of poor weather (if required) and sanitary facilities. Alongside the well-known and popular bubble formats, cubes with extra-large glass windows, rustic beds out in the open and tiny houses, the selection now also includes a mountain hut made entirely of stone pine and a hanging tent, the Portaledge, for those with a particularly good head for heights.
Great interest from abroad
In 2020, the Million Stars Hotel generated almost 4,300 overnight stays (50% STC bookings, 40% direct bookings, 10% other booking channels) – mainly by Swiss guests, though notably often from a different language region. ST is confident that running this project again in summer and autumn 2021 will now increasingly inspire guests from Europe and other overseas countries to book a special sleeping experience with a view of the stars in Switzerland, insofar as travel is permitted without any severe restrictions. Given the broad international coverage of the project last year, the prospects are good: especially in the key foreign market of Germany, there was great media interest, though media in the foreign markets of Korea, Southeast Asia and North America also reported on the special hotel project.