“We, at StreetGooser, have provided our Property Management System for free to members of HATS as there is an innate synergy between our two organizations,” says Shakthivelu M, Managing Director and Co-Founder of StreetGooser. John Varghese N, CEO and founder of StreetGooser adds, “StreetGooser will hold webinars to educate and integrate homestay owners into the system. Our cutting-edge technology helps home owners to run their business efficiently and smoothly, giving them the tools to hike occupancy rates and revenue,” he explains.
“Homestays have their own USPs,” says M.P. Sivadathan, Director Kerala HATS & Member, State Tourism Advisory Committee. “Homestays offer tourists secure and affordable accommodation, personalized service, the opportunity to interact with hosts who have local know-how and relish cuisine that is fresh, seasonal and organic,” he adds.
However, home stays often have challenges, especially when located in off-trail areas. Boosting occupancy and revenue becomes difficult in the absence of an online presence. “Another spin-off of the partnership is that homestays that are unique and experiential will be showcased on GypZe.com, giving them greater visibility,” says Hema Manghnani, Vice-President Business Development. “GypZe is a flagship venture of StreetGooser and a one-of-a-kind online travel companion and guide. It is essentially a booking platform dedicated to experiential stays,” she explains.
As the pandemic draws to a close, it has taught humankind certain enduring lessons – not only to preserve and cherish the planet but also to adapt and reinvent ourselves to handle the “New Normal.” And the way to go is online! With onboarding the StreetGooser and GypZe platforms, homestays in Kerala can now aspire to acquiring a global footprint.