Aries, Mar 21 – Apr 21
If the steamy astrology of early March has you too fired up to deal with emotionally charged challenges diplomatically, then step away from situations with inflammatory potential until you can approach them with a cooler head. Which is currently available through Mars and planet healer Chiron’s clarifying alignment in your sign, providing eye-opening insights on certain ingrained personal patterns. By the autumn equinox on March 21, as the sun and Mercury in Aries deliver more dazzling epiphanies, you’ll be able to cruise into your birthday season with a calm, controlled burn.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
When Mercury moves into Aries, illuminating your 12th House of the Unconscious, you may receive important messages in dreams, and your psychic skills will be highly sensitive. Unfortunately, however, this also means that you might feel extra sensitive. There are plenty of excellent reasons to tap into your introverted side and stay in this month, Taurus. But around the dark new moon in Pisces, make sure to at least text your friends to see how they’re doing, as this lunation brings healing and soothing over any petty conflicts. When your ruling planet, pretty Venus, moves into Pisces, Tauruses currently in happy romantic partnerships are reminded not to neglect their friendships. A full moon and lunar eclipse in Libra, a sign of relationships, could bring the stress of sudden upheavals. Just prepare for this chaotic event by marking it in your calendar and making plans to stay and enjoy feeling cozy, something Tauruses excel at. Read your full March horoscope here, Taurus.000
Gemini, May 22 – Jun 22
During your power planet Mercury’s introversion in the first week of March, it’s worth taking a break from digital persistence and revisiting the organic technology of your own inner vision. This is a fabulous transit for actualising an artistic or philanthropic project and introducing it to the world. When the astral messenger gets into straightforward stride around March 10, focus on keeping communications simple and uncomplicated. Reduce confusing multiple options, use bullet points, and try to finalise important conversations before Mercury backs into retrograde on April Fools’ Day.0
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Astrologers struggle to write about money news within the limits of capitalism. But we can tell you that some transits encourage abundance, such as when divine messenger Mercury enters bold Aries. This transit asks you to assert your needs. You’re more likely to get what you want if you ask for it. You crave alone time to get creative during the new moon in fellow water sign Pisces. Go ahead and take it; just don’t hide in your crab shell for too long. You start to miss those you love (and maybe even feel turned on) when romantic Venus moves into Pisces. And when Aries season begins, celebrating the astrological New Year, you’re encouraged to remind the folks you love just how much you care about them. This is especially important as shortly after is the Libra eclipse, which could lead to everyone feeling a little insecure. Finally, Pallas, the asteroid of wisdom, moves into your sign at the end of the month, bringing spirituality to sensuality and helping you find the sacred in the profane. Read your full March horoscope here, Cancer.
Leo, Jul 24 – Aug 23
With volatile Venus and unpredictable Uranus both in fixed signs like your own, short fuses and stubborn mindsets could cause tempers to flare and opinions to clash during the first half of March. Are you ready to roar? It may be better to purr so that peace, love and harmony can be more easily achieved around the late March full-moon eclipse in the sign of partnerships and pairing up. Since eclipses are known to accompany turning points and plot twists, an opportunity to connect or uncouple might present itself where you least expect it.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
When your ruling planet, divine messenger Mercury, moves into Aries and your 8th House of Transformation, you’re in makeover mode. Hating on vanity equals buying into outdated Victorian ideals, so go ahead and treat yourself, whether it’s embracing minimal makeup or opting for injectables. The new moon in poetic Pisces is a date that could see you meeting someone new of great importance, especially if you’re single and dating. And, your horoscope shifts from beauty rituals and love to your career when the fighter planet Mars joins Venus in Pisces. While, yes, this transit could also leave you feeling ultra turned on, the warrior energy Mars brings to the table also encourages you to fight for your worth at your job. Finally, beware that the end of March brings a trouble-making eclipse. Avoid the drama by sleeping as much as possible and staying off social media. Read your full March horoscope here, Virgo.
Libra, Sep 24 – Oct 23
Business dealings can be dodgy this month, and Venus is in her most trusting transit, so think no-nonsense financial discussions and clear, basic agreements. As much as you love keeping everything in the feelgood zone, Saturn is insisting on ‘eyes wide open’ background checks before you sign any contracts or invite someone into your private world. That done, the Libra full moon on March 25 is your celestial date to dress up and socialise, to celebrate all the parts of your life that are currently in beautiful balance – or artistic disarray.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
You’re encouraged to talk about your anxiety, whether with a therapist or best friend when Mercury moves into Aries and your 6th House of Health. Put down your stinger and open up. Talking about things takes away their power. The new moon in Pisces encourages you to reconnect with your body, whether through sex or other forms of sensuality, such as lots of sleep in comfy bedding, or both. You’ve been stressed this year, Scorpio. While your ambition is impressive, the cosmos warn that burnout is real and can lead to trouble, not to mention make you less productive in the long run. The start of Aries season, which is also the astrological New Year (and another excuse to don sequins) asks you to work on, well, your work/life balance. Stay in around the eclipse in Libra at the end of the month, as you’ll likely feel the aforementioned burnout start to creep in around this time. Read your full March horoscope here, Scorpio.
Sagittarius Nov 23 – Dec 21
This month’s elemental energies could have Sagittarians feeling restless, in which case the astrological recommendation is to consider the difference between being spontaneous and recklessly impulsive: Something you may regret. After last month’s head trips, touchy-feely March is about process rather than goals, about embodying the concept that all the way to heaven is heaven. About slowing down, tuning in, simplifying your life, finding love. About listening … because when the autumn equinox on March 21 ushers in the season of your fellow fire signs there’ll be no holding you back.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
When the talkative planet Mercury moves into fiery Aries, be aware that you may need to negotiate with a roommate over a lease or some situation at home. But if you rely on your support system, such discussions should be smooth and easy to handle. A new moon in Pisces brings out your creative side in ways that manifest blessings far into the future. It’s a good thing that you really do have a brain for business, as March sees you negotiating in professional matters as well. We can’t promise you money, but we can say that with help from abundant Venus, the stars are on your side. Aries season marks the astrological New Year and also alerts you that your friends and/or partner can tell when you’re thinking about work while partying or after sex. March is an excellent month to begin a mindfulness practice to help you stay grounded. Read your full March horoscope here, Capricorn.
Aquarius, Jan 21 – Feb 19
If vague, indecisive or needy people have you wanting more personal space this month, then take it, because you already know from experience that it’s more energy-efficient to restrain rash reactions than deal with damage control. Venus and Mars travelling in tandem through your sign till mid-March are there to assist you in adding more soul to your goals and extra empathy to your daily interactions. When the autumn equinox on March 21 presses the start button on the astrological new year, you’ll welcome the increasingly Aquarius-friendly energetic pace.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Your season ends this month, Pisces, and Aries’s begins, but with that fire energy comes a welcome burst of confidence and self-assuredness. March is all about being a little delusional. When Mercury illuminates your 2nd House of Possessions, there’s an opportunity for financial negotiations and a call to express yourself, as we must own our emotions. And even water signs like you, known for your feelings, can need a cosmic push to open up. There’s a new moon in your sign that brings opportunities to manifest your dreams, and we included instructions to make that happen. There’s a powerful eclipse this month that could lead to sudden change, but with sweet Venus and fighter Mars both gracing your sign this month, we think you’ll survive just fine. Read your full March horoscope here, Pisces.
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