Holidaymakers will be able to enjoy facilities within their chosen resort premises, including the swimming pool and beach. If guests stay over 14 days and have negative PCR tests during their stay in the resort, they will be able to explore the island’s attractions. However, for shorter stays, they may leave the resort earlier and travel back home. A list of pre-approved Covid-19 safe resorts will be available from 20 June 2021 at
Travellers to Mauritius aged 18 years or over must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19. They must undergo a PCR test between 5 and 7 days before departure and a negative result is required to travel to the island. Travellers will also have a PCR test on arrival at the airport in Mauritius and on day 7 and 14 of their resort holiday, as applicable.
For Phase 2, starting October 1, 2021, vaccinated travellers will be allowed entry without restrictions upon presentation of a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours before departure.
Unvaccinated travellers will be subject to 14 days in-room quarantine for both Phases 1 and 2 until further notice.
The announcement follows the acceleration of the vaccination campaign and the progress made towards herd immunity by the end of September. Front liners of the tourism industry were prioritized during the vaccine rollout. This enables a prompt and safe restart of the Mauritius tourism industry.
The country’s response to the pandemic ranked among one of the best in the world, as the Mauritian Government responded promptly with stringent control measures and protocols. The safety of Mauritians and visitors has been a top priority since the outbreak of Covid-19 and the success is a result of a joint effort by the Mauritian Government and the island’s population.
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