Dear Readers,
The year 2020, which kick-started as a fabulous and game-changing year for many turned out to be one of the scariest and depressing years for the entire mankind. The insurmountable loss that many of us faced, some in form of a near and dear one leaving and others in form of loss of work, job or business, will never be forgotten. The year 2020 will go down in history as a life-changing year for people across the globe as airplanes remained grounded, trains remained stationed and people remained locked up in homes.
However, being a thorough optimist, I would like to believe that not all was gloomy and in fact there was some good that came out of 2020. Working parents got to spend more time with their kids. Couples, though did not go to a vacation, yet got an opportunity to spend quality time together. The forgotten passion for cooking, painting, gardening, playing an instrument, singing was re-discovered by many. Being home gathered a whole new connotation as families gathered around during zoom meetings to celebrate birthdays and festivals virtually. Oh! What a year it has been truly!
But all that seems to be coming to an end now. The skies that were gloomy can be seen marked with silver linings as Covid vaccines are being injected to people across the globe. India too seems ready to start its vaccination process by early next year and everyone in travel trade is hoping for a turnout summer in 2021. Well, what 2021 will bring, no one can say or be sure of but yes, we certainly can plan for it. BOTT spoke to the leading ladies in the Outbound Industry in India to know how severely their businesses were affected in 2020 and what their recovery plan is for the future. Our year-ender issue is not a lookback on the downfalls of the year but is a look-ahead issue highlighting the encouraging news that we are all looking forward to next year.
Your feedback, criticism and appreciation is most looked forward to.
Happy Reading!
Priyanka Saxena Ray