In a drive to give a boost to the state’s tourism industry, the Kerala government is planning to put almost Rs. 250 crore from the state budget for its tourism infrastructure this year. While floods have not deterred tourism to grow in the state, the minister on February 19, 2019 launched a new brand campaign titled ‘Human by Nature’, which is a part of the marketing initiative to refurbish the perception of the southern state’s tourism sector. “The new campaign will appeal to both high spenders and backpackers,” the minister said, adding that it would act as a trigger to put Kerala tourism on a higher pedestal in a competitive global marketplace.
The event was accompanied by the premiere of a three-minute destination campaign film on Kerala tourism, launched by actress Shobana. Kerala tourism secretary Rani George was also present on the occasion.
The state is also in the process of reviving the heritage tourism projects in Thalassery and Alappuzha. To rope in more private investment, the Kerala government is also coming up with a new avatar of its traditional snake boat race. Emulating the format of the Indian Premiere League, private companies would be able to own boat race teams and participate in tournaments for the sport.