In 2018, Ryo Bunno joined the Japan National Tourism Organization, Tokyo embarking on a fulfilling career journey. During his tenure, he made significant contributions to the Digital Marketing and PR section. In recognition of his exceptional skills and dedication, he was assigned to the JNTO Manila Office in July 2022, where he continued to elevate the organization’s presence in the international tourism landscape. His term in Manila, which concluded in August 2023, marked another milestone in his illustrious career.
In this new role, Ryo Bunno will play a pivotal role in leading the JNTO, Delhi Office into its next phase of growth and innovation. His extensive experience, and dedication to excellence, combined with his global perspective and passion for travel, make him an invaluable asset to the organization. Under his leadership, JNTO, Delhi Office is poised to continue its mission of promoting Japan as a must-visit destination for Indian travellers.
About Japan National Tourism Organization: Affiliated with the Japan Tourism Agency of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism, JNTO has effectively functioned as the Japanese government bureau of tourism. It has 24 tourism promotion-oriented offices across the world and a large network of suppliers for tourism and event services in Japan.
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