The meeting was inaugurated by Hon’ble Union Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Shri Pralhad Venkatesh Joshi, with a lamp lighting ceremony followed by a speech. The Resort’s staff welcomed the delegates with traditional Indian customs involving the application of tilak and felicitation with Silk shawls. The meeting, under G20’s ‘Culture Unites All’ campaign, will take place from 9th to 12th July involving delegates from G20 member nations, guest nations, and several international organisations.
About Evolve Back:
Evolve Back is an established chain of luxury resorts in India that are presented with a thematic representation of the local history and its natural surroundings. The resort chain is widely popular and enjoys immense brand equity among patrons in India and overseas alike. Testimony to this quality is their occupancy rate which is way above the industry average. Evolve Back is dedicated to providing exquisite holiday experiences that promote the purity of nature and the culture of the local land. They are currently present in four locations – Kamalapura Palace in Hampi, Kuruba Safari Lodge in Kabini and Chikkana Halli Estate in Coorg, and Kalahari property in Botswana which are all geographically diverse regions allowing guests to experience nature in its purity.
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